I was brought up in a country where fasting was part of religious practice almost every year. Later in pharmacy school and talking with different physicians about fasting, I understood there were mixed feelings and
Despite the title, there is no magic involved. It is by going back to the root cause of diseases that you can make them disappear. Watch this TED TALK by Dr. Chatterjee to see how. https://drchatterjee.com/video-is-it
Good day my friend, I talk a lot about Functional Medicine and the approach that we take to improve the health status of individuals by ta
Many of my clients ask for an advice on a good multivitamin-mineral. They usually mention that they eat a balanced food and are generally healthy. &nbs
What is Alzheimer's? Alzheimer's is a disease which shows itself by dementia Dementia is a set of symptoms affecting the brain activity which includes: memory loss, difficulty with thinking, problem s
There is a lot of talk about sleep and how it affects your health. It is known that good sleep is an important factor for mood, immunity, healing. There are researches done on how poor sleep can affect your heart, your m
I am sure you have heard a lot about opioid crisis in the media recently. Since 2003, the number of deaths has increased 136 percent; more than 850 Ontarians died from opioid-related causes in 2016.* W
Did you know 50% of us don’t get the recommended dietary allowance of magnesium in our diet? Many of us take medications to reduce stomach acidity (proton pump inhibitors) like omepraz
Here are some updates on what we have been doing at MEDMAIL recently. We are now moving towa