If you are taking medications regularly you most likely remember missing doses at some occasions. Among various reasons, one important factor is to forget ordering meds and picking them up on time, before the current supply finishes.
Medication Synchronization is somewhat a new concept, which is being adopted by many patients to help them take their medications without such interruptions.
Generally your pharmacist starts the process by informing you about the service and its benefits. After you agree to the process, the pharmacist will consider as many prescriptions as can be refilled on the same date and fill prescription online together. At your first refill you might receive different day supplies for some of your medications; this is normal in the process to be able to get all meds to a specific refill date. You may be proactive and ask your pharmacist to start synchronizing your medication refills. You may also ask for a specific date of the month as your refill date.
About one week before your next refill you will get a phone call from your pharmacy to remind about the upcoming refill, see if there are any changes in your medication regimen and whether you have had a physician or hospital visit since your last medication pick up. If everything seems appropriate, the prescriptions will be filled on the specified date and will be ready for you to pick up or be delivered to you. Some pharmacies make an appointment time with you on your specified date to touch base and review your medication adherence and goals of therapy.
Medication Synchronization will help you be more consistent in taking your medications and it will eventually help you achieve your goals of medication therapy.
Sepideh Nasafat, PharmD
Registered Pharmacist
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Contact MEDMAIL to see how we can synchronize your medication refills and mail your meds to you easily so that you don’t miss any more pills!
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